Our mission is to help people and organizatons in the Digital Journey
Our mission is to help people and organizatons in the Digital Journey
About Social Knowledge
We live in an environment of constant changes, and one of the main forces that drive change is the internet. The internet changes the way we find information, the way we keep in touch with our friends and family.
Our mission is to assist companies to maximize the use of knowledge and information and to find places where we can improve the business, the communication and the interface between the company and it's customers and partners, all this by introducing new trends that come from the internet to organizations.
We give professional service with senior consultants with vast experience in companies, deep understanding in change management, content and technology. Our consultants include people who did numerous roles in Knowledge Management, HR, and Marketing in companies and all have a wide business understanding and will assist you company to promote their business goals through processes from the KM, Marketing and Change Management.
- 15 years of experience in Knowledge Management, communities of practice, social networks and change management gave us the tools to:
- Uncover the places where usage of "wisdom of the crowds" will improve productivity, save time, improve service, and increase engagement of customers and partners.
- Improve the email communication and control the noise
- Create a way to will encourage people to share, collaborate and communicate knowledge and information.
- To bring tools that deliver the promise from the social networks and communities of practice.
- Deep understanding of tools such as SharePoint, Jive etc…
The way we work is based on 15 years of experience in the KM area and unique methodologies we brought from global companies that implement and use social networks.
The use of these methodologies and best practice will guarantee the success.
We developed a unique Model "SAVE" Social Added Value Enterprise which will check the flow of information in the company before and after the implementation of social networks.
With this model we can measure the impact, and value your company got from the implementation of social networks.
In the 70's a social network researcher named Granovetter discussed the strength of weak ties and our ability to leverage the weak ties in searching for work. Everyone has a set of social networks – colleagues for work, from previous works, friends and family. Today our social network is exposed in the virtual world with tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatApp etc.
But what happens in our work environment? How do we leverage these trends to improve the communication in the organization, and to support business goals. Our expertise is to create these connections.
Our Crazy Skills
Our Team

Expert in implementing Knowledge systems, Internet in online work spaces, with vast experiance in diffrent dimentions such as work processes, organizational culture, people, content, technical tools and the interation of them all.
Avigdor gained his experience in more then 10 years as the Chief Architect on Knowledge Services at Amdocs. He implemented virtual forums, wiki's such as AmdocPedia, internal web sites, cross organizational knowledge services and solutions for virtual teams. Avigdor implemented the ISO 25006 in Amdocs.

Galit has more than 15 years of experience with High-Tech, Banks, Insurance and other companies, where she developed and implemented KM solutions using state of the art technology.
In that last years she emphasizes on the business aspects of "wisdom of the crowds", collaboration, communities of practice internal and external, and bringing new trends from the internet to companies.
Our Customers